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Table 1 Contrasting paradigms of governance of the twentieth century and an alternative paradigm emerging in the twenty-first century

From: Socio-ecological dynamics and challenges to the governance of Neglected Tropical Disease control

Dominant paradigm displayed in the twentieth century

Emerging alternative paradigms for the twenty-fist century

Problem solving/goal seeking orientation

Learning orientation

Focus on short term gains

Focus on sustainability and the long-term

Assumed predictability and certainty

Unpredictability and uncertainty


Adaptive/reflexive/transitional management

Linear causality

Recognition for holistic/integrative thinking

One “truth” or best answer

No final “best” answer

Observer status objective

Observer status is constructed/subjective

Focuses on parts

Focuses on the whole



Structural constancy

Structural changes affect function

Asymptotic stability

Multiple stable states

Reliance on simple cause and effect

Recognition of emergent properties of systems

Assumes systems models to be models of the world (ontologies)

Assumes systems models to be intellectual constructs (epistemologies)

Science and technology have the required answers

Scepticism and critical evaluation of science and technology

Talks the language of problems and solutions

Talks the language of “situation of concern” accommodations

  1. Adapted from: Allison & Hobbs [20]